
Scan to Email: Tips for Small and Mid-Size Businesses

There are few things more satisfying than achieving big results from simple changes. Scanning is revolutionizing the way businesses operate, helping small and medium businesses (SMBs) boost productivity and efficiency while cutting costs, usually with just a few simple steps.

Why the Device Matters

We often hear about Managed Print Services as an example of the Internet of Things. We discuss how analytics drive the MPS roadmap, and how document security reduces breaches in digital workflows. These sophisticated topics we now associate with MPS, but let’s not forget what started it all — the devices themselves.

Four Signs you Need to Upgrade your Print Technology

When you’re running a busy print shop, it’s easy to be so focused on getting the work out that you don’t have the time to look at the bigger picture and ask some important questions.

How has the market changed? Are you keeping up or falling behind? How do you stack up against the competition? Does your business model still make sense? Where will you be in a year – or five years?

Does Your MPS Partner Have Strong Security Skills?

You may have seen coverage like this of another printer hack job. The hacker’s program scoured the Internet for printers that were online, but didn’t have basic security controls enabled. Over 150,000 networked printers were compromised, but this hacker appeared to want to alert people to the risks, rather than do actual harm.

Digital Transformation – Are You Missing an Opportunity?

Everywhere I look, companies are introducing new digital services and re-engineering business processes to capture the value of technology innovation. But with the challenges of this transformation, it’s also easy to see how opportunities get missed – even when you think you’ve got every base covered. One critical factor I frequently see overlooked is the value of document analytics in transformation programs.

5 Reasons Why Choosing the Right Toner will Save you Time and Money

When it comes to saving money and boosting productivity, most small and medium businesses (SMBs) tend to think big. Their focus goes to large equipment, workflows, and concerns about overhead costs. Suddenly cost cutting seems complex and challenging. What if there was one small, simple change that could add up to big savings? There is.


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